Ore crafting??

Crafting now will only consume 10 ores instead of the buggy 20...

Get Dragon Blast


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These are my stats of only 1 sword from the first mob and enchanting/socketing.

I was feeling crit damage is not working as intended. I could one shot mobs, but when my critchance got around 60% and crit damage was around 20% i stopped oneshoting them more frequenlty. Felt like %crit damage is not multiplying the damage but was overriding it.

Feel like limiting ore/materials is not the right way for an "IDLE" game.

Also, you can level the dificulty of mobs, wich only increase their stats but gives nothing back for the challenge, so its pointless. (Also it works as a funky way, 1x moves from one type of monsters to another, and from 10x onwards moves the dificulty of the mob).

Also, why would you sell your stuff on the shop? Just forge all and use that stats.

Thank you for the new reports...

I will answer this later today.. right now I am busy...

I read everything I will need to think about it too...


Ok I read everything...

Some things you said are really nice.. 

So I will try to explain everything...

For example I also dont like the idea of adding a cap to the mining and other skills... but still... ( Couldnt think of anything else)

I will investigate the crit dmg thing...

so the reason moving 1 fase changes the enemy and the reason moving 10 doesnt... is because there are only 10 enemies in the game... so basically the first 1 enemy will be identical to the 11th enemy... and so on...

Regarding that you get nothing back from killing enemies...(How would you envision it?)

I mean I thought that getting stronger and moving forward would be enough.... (What exactly needs to change??)

New version is up!!

Lemme know what you think?